Vážení klienti, tento test by Vám měl po absolvování sdělit Vaši přibližnou jazykovou úroveň, a tudíž Vám pomoci při výběru kurzu. Berte prosím na vědomí, že se jedná pouze o písemný test, tudíž, je-li Vaší silnou stránkou spíše mluvený projev, pak výsledek nemusí být zcela přesný. Jedná se o test s možnostmi, vždy jen jedna možnost je správná. Test začíná jednoduchými otázkami, a postupně přicházejí otázky těžší. Je tomu tak proto, aby nedošlo ke zkreslení výsledku testu tím, že byste si již na začátku zvolili špatnou testovou úroveň. Proto, jsou-li pro Vás první otázky příliš snadné, nebo závěrečné příliš obtížné, nemějte obavy, a i tyto otázky vyplňte. Máte možnost ze dvou variant testu. Gramatický – svou přibližnou úroveň budete znát ihned po odeslání, nebo celkový. U celkového testu budete navíc kontaktování naším lektorem, který s Vámi provede celkový test online v časech dle Vašich možností. Těšíme se na Vás, Tým language.agency
Look! He __________ out of the window!
I hardly ever ________ to work on Sundays.
She _ _ _ _ _ great in her new coat.
A : I have a lot of work. B : Don't worry, we _ _ _ _ _ you.
He _ _ _ _ _ in London.
I _ _ _ _ _ an old friend yesterday.
They _ _ _ _ _ to go skiing in the Winter.
The sky is cloudy. It _ _ _ _ _ .
The _ _ _ _ _ finally brought our food.
_ _ _ _ _ the end, they lived happily ever after.
He answered very _ _ _ _ _ .
She _ _ _ _ _ to Paris yet.
When they were little, they _ _ _ _ _ to play in the dirt.
It _ _ _ _ _ me about 45 minutes to finish the test.
Van Gogh _ _ _ _ _ many beautiful pictures.
Children _ _ _ _ _ sleep at least 8 hours a day.
He did very _ _ _ _ _ in the test.
Only _ _ _ _ _ people came to the meeting.
_ _ _ _ _ I have a lot to do tomorrow, I should go to bed early today.
You should be working, _ _ _ _ _ than surfing on the internet.
Hard and conscientious work can _ _ _ _ _ in a raise of promotion.
If I _ _ _ _ _ a lottery, I would buy a new car.
He said he _ _ _ _ _ Spain.
I _ _ _ _ _ in surveys, but now I don't have time.
When I have the money, I _ _ _ _ _ a new car.
I think I _ _ _ _ _ a mistake.
When I _ _ _ _ _ from my work, I met my old colleague.
I can't believe it! It is _ _ _ _ _ !
As soon as I _ _ _ _ _ the bus, it started moving.
This is _ _ _ _ _ question I have ever seen.
The test wasn't easy. I _ _ _ _ _ some mistakes.
The job of a teacher used to be highly _ _ _ _ _ .
Science is generally considered a _ _ _ _ _ with high value.
The _ _ _ _ _ in travel in recent years has been towards what is known as adventure travel.
We didn't plan to do it. It was a _ _ _ _ _ of the moment decision.
You should _ _ _ _ _ smoking, it is not healthy.
She came _ _ _ _ _ night.
We were happy when the teacher finally _ _ _ _ _ some light on the problem.
Which sentence is correct?
I go to work to _ _ _ _ _ money.
_ _ _ _ _ to popular belief, English is not a difficult language.
She promised that she _ _ _ _ _ come.
I wish to _ _ _ _ _ about the poor services in your restaurant.
He is under no _ _ _ _ _ about what she really thinks of him.